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Knoow Your Calling | Apostle Samuel Raboteng
Bible Passage


  • Apostle Samuel Raboteng
Date preached

📖When God created a man what matters to Him is not his physical disposition, but it is to share His master plan with him. God is not interested in how tall or short you are, but He created man as part of His master plan.

📖Every man in this world is created by God to fulfill his Divine course in His plan. Even though you are part of God’s plan, it doesn’t mean He will plan for you, you need to have a plan. God honors a man who has a plan. In His will, God has a plan, a purpose, a calling for us but He wants us to take that plan forward.

📖When we hear the word calling often times what comes into our minds is ministry. A calling is not limited to ministry! David was not called into ministry, but he was called to be a leader of the children of Israel. Every one of us in this world has a calling.

📖God has an assignment for everyone here on earth. It is our duty to settle down and find out God’s calling for our lives.

📖You are never too young or too old to know your calling, Josiah knew his calling earlier and became a King at the age of eight and Moses knew his own at the age of 80 and he fulfilled it – The age you are in does not matter, start to fulfill your calling!

📖You think that best way of walking with God is through the pulpit? Whatever little you do for God if it’s in your calling, His greatness will follow you.

📖In your calling, that’s where God’s protection, grace and mercy is. When you are in your calling when there are problems, you will be an opportunity for God to use to bring a solution.

📖There is trouble in the body of Christ. We are in trouble because people don’t know their purpose, if your purpose is to be a doctor, you will be a doctor with a difference.

📖God is not only for pastors, apostles and the likes but for everyone. From where you are sitting, He is God for you as well as long as you are in your calling.

📖Know your calling! If you discover your calling, you will be the best of its kind and God’s mercies will follow you wherever you go.

📖Any time you become part of the problem know that you are not in your calling. When you are in your calling, where there is problem you will always be a solution.

📖When you operate in your calling you will not murmur and complain while rendering your duties, you will be happy even when challenges are there – You will have peace.

📖Many of us are operating in selfishness rather than operating in the calling. If God gives you employment the greater purpose is not for your children, but it is about the kingdom.

📖The problems we are having today need solution makers not problem makers. If you are in the right position God will open your eyes to show you which role to play – Are you operating in your calling?

📖In destiny no matter how little your calling may be but if you are faithful in that calling and strive to fulfill it, it’s greatness in eternity.

📖Have you discovered your calling, purpose and who you are? The more we don’t discover our purpose we will continue to be confused, taken to and fro by the wind of life.

📖You may succeed in what God has not called you to become, you may make alot of money in what you are not called for but in the last days you will be judged based on your calling.

📖Many today are fulfilling someone else’s assignment. Some are in business but are called to be soldiers. When you are in your calling, function in it and you will amaze yourself.