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Bible Passage 2 Corinthians 2:11
book 2 Corinthians 2:11, in .


  • Apostle Samuel Raboteng
Date preached

📖”Troubles requires no invitation. It is only when we don’t know and understand who we are in Christ Jesus that we see another person’s struggle as a punishment from God. When someone is in trouble or a challenge, we have to be very careful of how we perceive that individual.

📖In the book of 2 Corinthians 2:11, Jesus is enlightening us not to be ignorant of the tactics and ways of the devil. Children of God must never be ignorant on the truth that there are powers that influences people’s behaviours. You don’t need to be ignorant of this truth because Judgment is coming, Jesus is coming soon.

📖One of the things God has shown me for the new year ahead is judgment, everyone is going to go through screening, and no one will escape this screening – We are all going to be judged.

📖We need to be aware of Satan’s tactics, Satan hates you and he hates God he is not your friend, we should not be ignorant of powers of darkness that influence human behavior. He destroys you in making you destroy your brother, making you destroy your sister. You may think you have the upper hand but you too, you are getting destroyed by destroying another person. We are destroying one another but the ultimate goal Satan wants is to destroy you.

📖 Look at yourself, how you walk in anger, hatred, bitterness but you preach the gospel, you preach love. I’m telling you that judgement is coming but before it comes be aware of Satan’s tactics. It is our ignorance that makes us to hate and suspect one another.

📖We preach love, but we don’t practice love, we preach forgiveness, but we don’t practice forgiveness. God is not a Christian; your enemy will enter heaven imagine the person you not forgiving seeing them in heaven. If there is disagreement among Christians, call your brother if he doesn’t listen call elders if he doesn’t hear say it in church so that it can be rectified and there is peace.

📖When Satan sees the church rising, he causes hatred, conflict and strife among Christians. He destroys us by making us destroy one another. The church of today remains in sin because we are unable to confess our sins to one another without gossiping and discussing one another’s weaknesses.

📖It is not enough to confess your sins to yourself; the bible says confess your sins to one another. If we are not aware of the devil’s tactics, we end up seeing problems of our brethren as their own negligence. When we nurse these things, we become prey to the devil. The devil tactics is to destroy you.

📖Anytime we nurse it we become prey to the devil. Do not give your brother, sister and yourself to the devil. We are today one another’s enemies because of the devil’s tactics – Judgement is coming. Fix your ways and learn to be aware of Satan’s tactics.